The Symbiosis Between AI and Terminology

Intelligent terminology retrieval and management with TermCatch and Kalcium Quickterm

A centrally managed and validated termbase forms the basis for consistent and correct company terminology. One of the challenges of managing such a termbase is that terminology is spread across different areas of your company and is constantly being changed and created. In one department, a new Excel list suddenly appears. In others, your terminology runs free in all manner of texts, from technical manuals and marketing brochures to software user interfaces and your own website. But how can you capture this “wild” terminology, tame it, and integrate it into your existing terminology? And how can AI support you in this and other terminology management tasks?

Free webinar: Intelligent terminology retrieval and management with TermCatch and Kalcium Quickterm

In our webinar we will show you:

  • Where terminology can be found in your company
  • How to extract, cluster, harmonize, and validate terminology
  • How to use AI in order to be more efficient in your terminology work
  • How the new TermCatch integration for the established terminology management and workflow software Kalcium Quickterm supports you in this process

The Symbiosis Between AI and Terminology

Intelligent terminology retrieval and management with TermCatch and Kalcium Quickterm

When: September 14, 2023 - The webinar is already over, but here you can

Your presenters:

Mikael Lundahl, Solutions Architect and Partner at Fodina
Mikael Lundahl, Solutions Architect and Partner at Fodina
Klaus Fleischmann, CEO Kaleidoscope GmbH
Klaus Fleischmann, CEO Kaleidoscope GmbH

We presented this webinar in co-operation with CIDM.

The Center for Information-Development Management is an organization of information-development, training, and support managers from around the world. CIDM facilitates collaboration regarding information development among skilled managers in the information industry.

Want to know more about Kalcium Quickterm? One click is all it takes!

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Kaleidoscope: Taking your content global

We combine our expertise and software solutions as well as those of carefully selected technology partners to create the right solutions to enable you to achieve success on the global market with your content. Thanks to our innovations and further developments, we continuously make it easier for you to manage terminology, quality, reviews, queries, and automation.

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