All roads lead to Rome: Best practices for terminology processes

Many factors influence the success of your terminology work, but the processes with which you want to manage your terminology are of central importance. Although there is no “one size fits all” formula, as the requirements are simply too different, there are several tried and tested approaches to choose from. In this free webinar, we compare the advantages and disadvantages of highly structured processes with each of the agile process worlds. You can then decide which procedure best meets your requirements – and also learn how to implement both process scenarios using our terminology software:  

Successful terminology work needs:  

Structured processes

  1. Pros and cons
  2. How to set them up in practice

  Agile processes

  1. Pros and cons
  2. How to set them up in practice

We’ll also share how you can implement these processes in your organization.  

Unfortunately, this webinar is over. If you are interested in this topic, just contact us!

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Kaleidoscope: Taking your content global

Eigene Softwarelösungen und jahrzehntelange Expertise kombiniert Kaleidoscope mit Software ausgesuchter Technologiepartner, damit Sie mit Ihren Inhalten auf dem globalen Markt erfolgreich sein können. Mit unseren Innovationen und Weiterentwicklungen vereinfachen wir für Sie kontinuierlich das Management von Terminologie, Qualität, Review, Rückfragen und Automatisierung.

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