Technical Documentation in Line with Your Exact Requirements
Your remit in the field of technical documentation is extensive: a multitude of challenges like managing versions, product variations, and multiple languages; complying with legal requirements; and publishing content in various forms of print and online media make professional management essential. In many cases, multi-stage approval and change processes are also involved. Your technical sales documents, data sheets, help systems, maintenance manuals, price lists, catalogs, and all other documentation products therefore need to be up-to-date and in the best condition at all times.
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Complex Documents
In technical documentation you are dealing with complex documents, not least because of the following characteristics:
- They are large! Technical documentation in particular can fill files, boxes, and even pallets
- They are translated into multiple languages. It is not uncommon in Europe to see documents in over 20 target languages
- They need to account for product variations and customer-specific requirements
- They need to be published in a variety of formats, layouts, and media
- There are multiple versions to be maintained
- They have to be legally watertight
The answer to these issues is a professional editing system – SCHEMA ST4 from our partner Quanos.
A product brochure for SCHEMA ST4 is available to download here.
Strong Software, Excellent Consultancy, Intelligent Implementation
In the face of these complex challenges, our more than 25 years of experience coupled with industry-leading software, notably the SCHEMA ST4 editing system, can lighten the burden. Our solutions focus on three areas:
- The start of the process covers the planning, structuring, and standardizing of product information and the modular creation in an editing system
- The modularization of content and single source publishing as methods as well as the powerful SCHEMA ST4 editing system keep your technical documents up to date and accurate
- Finally, exactly the right information must be conveyed to the right target group in the right format and via the right medium
Then get in touch and arrange an initial consultation now! We would be happy to advise you.
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