Our Solutions

What do we do for you? We Take Your Content Global!

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Regardless of whether you work in marketing, technical documentation, or a translation department, language is crucial for you. So, it's important that every employee in your company is using the same terms and that they all understand these terms, too. And they need to use them properly to keep external communication consistent. That's why you need the right terminology management software.


Taking Your Content Global – which of course requires the right software for your translations! Fortunately, you can be sure that we have the perfect program for you, straight from the portfolio of global market leader RWS. Efficiently create and manage your multilingual documents, such as technical documentation, marketing materials, and catalogs. Translate faster and more cost-effectively while ensuring top quality in all languages!

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Bill Gates was already declaring that "Content is King" decades ago. In the meantime, successful companies have now come to see content management as an essential task. Globalization complicates things even further because content needs to be managed in more than just one language. Kaleidoscope is by your side as a key partner to guide you through this minefield in all its forms. The approaches that we help to develop enable efficient (multi-)lingual content management, all in keeping with our motto: Taking Your Content Global.


Create content, translate it, and publish it – the challenge of managing your global content is as huge as it is complex. It's a matter of completing a lot of work processes as quickly as possible and all without a single error. Manual, often tedious processes don't make this task any easier either. Standardization and automation provide a reliable and efficient solution here.

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