Managing (Multi-)lingual Content

Bill Gates was already declaring that "Content is King" decades ago. In the meantime, successful companies have now come to see content management as an essential task. Globalization complicates things even further because content needs to be managed in more than just one language. Kaleidoscope is by your side as a key partner to guide you through this minefield in all its forms. The approaches that we help to develop enable efficient (multi-)lingual content management, all in keeping with our motto: Taking Your Content Global.

Manage content globally

Many of your company's departments create content. Whether technical documentation, marketing, or customer support, each set of stakeholders faces very specific challenges and often has to work with specialist software. When it's then a case of checking the created documents for consistent communication or translating them into the languages of the export countries, the process can become extremely complex and unclear. The working day tends to be taken up by tedious, manual "processes", where efficiency and effectiveness fall by the wayside. Time is often the deciding factor between success and failure here. So why not rely on the extensive expertise of Kaleidoscope? As a specialist in global content, not only do we support you in the world of translation software and editing systems, namely RWS and SCHEMA ST4 respectively, but we also support you in refining and automating your processes between these worlds. Not only that, we also understand how you can harness the benefits of synergies in data exchange flows, including between web CMS and the translation world.

Your Advantages

  • You can launch your products on the market more quickly thanks to:
    • Process optimization
    • Standardization
    • Application of best practices
  • Structured and controlled content re-use can save 30 to 60% in time and costs during creation and localization alone
  • Centralized and automated processes as well as transparent scheduling can slash transaction costs by up to 75%

Your multilingual content management options

Kaleidoscope helps you to leverage the full potential of multilingual content management.

Editing system

SCHEMA ST4 is the ideal tool to help you to create your content and use it across all channels. Our trusted partner CONGRAM will be happy to help you!

Translation software

Software by market leader RWS helps you to take your content multilingual and roll it out in the necessary quality and at the required speed. We are happy to advise you!


Workflows can be standardized and automated both in the translation world and during data exchange between the CMS, editing system, and translation software. We will be happy to show you how you can save time and money.

Web CMS systems

Do you want to translate your website? And all without having to copy texts between the CMS and the translation software in a tedious, manual process? We'll show you how!

Quality management

What's the point of having a text available in multiple languages if it doesn't meet the market requirements? That's why we recommend consistent quality management right from the very first step.

Terminology management

There's no quality management without consistent terminology. That's why you shouldn't ignore this important issue. Take advantage of the power of terminology management!

Technical Writing

Let's be honest: who actually reads the whole user manual? Almost nobody, except if something isn't working. The benefits of clearly written documentation that explains what to do so that everything runs as desired then become apparent.

Our subsidiary Congram specializes in these solutions in the field of technical documentation.

Do You Want to Manage Your Content?

Then arrange a free, non-binding initial consultation! We look forward to your questions!

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