Terminology Management in Complex Scenarios

Effective communication can be challenging as messages can easily lose their intended meaning and understanding. The complexities of language, with its various interpretations and overlapping concepts, contribute to communication failures. This issue becomes even more intricate in a business setting, where inconsistent word usage among different departments or content creators can create further complications. In the era of prioritizing content, such inconsistencies can harm your business's overall success.

In this free webinar in co-operation with CIDM, you will find out

  • which terms are used in various parts of your organization
  • how can you gather and harmonize them
  • how can you get everybody’s input on the suggestions you make as a terminologist
  • and how can you make sure you have a functioning feedback loop to maintain consistently high termbase quality

Webinar: Terminology Management in Complex Scenarios

When: December 7, 2023 - The webinar is already over, but here you can

Your presenter:

Klaus Fleischmann, CEO Kaleidoscope GmbH

Klaus Fleischmann, CEO Kaleidoscope GmbH

We present this webinar in co-operation with CIDM.

The Center for Information-Development Management is an organization of information-development, training, and support managers from around the world. CIDM facilitates collaboration regarding information development among skilled managers in the information industry.

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Kaleidoscope: Taking your content global

We combine our expertise and software solutions as well as those of carefully selected technology partners to create the right solutions to enable you to achieve success on the global market with your content. Thanks to our innovations and further developments, we continuously make it easier for you to manage terminology, quality, reviews, queries, and automation.

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