Why and How Should I Integrate Taxonomies, Terminology, and Translations?

20. September 2023
Why and How Should I Integrate Taxonomies, Terminology, and Translations?
Klaus Fleischmann, CEO Kaleidoscope GmbH
Klaus Fleischmann

From knowledge graphs, taxonomies, and semantic AI, it is only a small step to terminology – and vice versa. The benefits of combining these two fields are obvious, even if the areas of application are extremely different. In this article, we will show you how to combine taxonomies and terminology in a meaningful and efficient way while also bringing the world of translation on board at the same time.

Integrating taxonomies and terminology has the following benefits in particular:

  • Harmonize and coordinate terminology through a sound management process. A termbase provides taxonomies with enterprise-wide, metadata-rich data in all languages.
  • Terminologies, in turn, benefit from your data being integrated into enterprise taxonomies, knowledge graphs, and various AI applications, making your data machine-readable.
  • Both approaches make knowledge more accessible to everyone in your company, increase the value of this data, and make your corporate data future-proof.

Do you also operate on an international scale? Then your translation department will benefit as well.

The software

In order to be able to leverage these advantages, you need the right software.

Taxonomies, knowledge graphs, semantic layers – all this is the domain of PoolParty, the knowledge management system from the Semantic Web Company (SWC). For enterprise-wide terminology management and, in particular, enterprise-wide coordination and harmonization of terminology, Kalcium Quickterm is the first choice. It also makes terminology easy to understand for all employees and thus forms the basis for consistent content in the source language and in all translations.

Terminology and taxonomies are both based on linguistic data and processes with large areas of overlap. However, they are aimed at fundamentally different use cases. By integrating these two disciplines, synergies are realized and knowledge management becomes more efficient.

Let's look at the synergies from different points of view.

Integration of an existing Quickterm/MultiTerm/Trados Enterprise termbase into PoolParty

If your company already has a termbase in Trados MultiTerm or Trados Enterprise, Kalcium can connect to it directly as a termbase repository. This means that the Trados data is always available in real time in Kalcium, and at the same time any edits performed in Kalcium are saved directly in the Trados ecosystem. Thanks to this live integration, which we call a repository connection, the data is fully synchronized between Kalcium and Trados. As a result, everything that is processed in Quickterm or in Trados is available to the translation process in Trados Studio and the Trados cloud platforms.

At the same time, Kalcium can use its Publishing framework to keep the terminology up to date in PoolParty and thus also in RWS Tridion and Fonto. This Publishing process runs fully automatically at fixed intervals and sends changes and new and deleted terminology to PoolParty. If desired, the PoolParty taxonomy can also be transferred and maintained in Quickterm so that it is equally available in both systems. It is also possible to filter content from the terminology specifically for the taxonomy. Even multiple taxonomy projects can be kept up to date with different terminology data.

By taking this approach, all terminology data is constantly available in real time in the translation and content creation environments, and is kept up to date in the taxonomy at periodic intervals.

Integrate taxonomies and terminology

Integrate taxonomies and terminology: Easy and efficient with Poolparty and Quickterm, as this screenshot proves

Integration of an existing taxonomy project from PoolParty as a termbase for the Quickterm and Trados ecosystem

If your company already has a taxonomy in PoolParty, Kalcium can connect to it directly as a termbase repository. This means that the PoolParty data is always available in real time in Kalcium, and at the same time any edits performed in Kalcium are saved directly to the underlying PoolParty taxonomy. Thanks to this repository connection, the data is fully synchronized between Kalcium Quickterm and PoolParty.

The data in Kalcium is then used as usual in Quickterm. You can thereby establish enterprise-wide voting, approval, and translation processes, with the data being made available throughout the entire company on an intuitive and highly customizable interface. At the same time, Kalcium Checkterm can use this data to check source texts and translations.

Kalcium can also keep the terminology up to date in MultiTerm or the Trados Cloud ecosystem and in the RWS Language Weaver via the Publishing framework. This Publishing process runs fully automatically at fixed intervals and sends changes and new and deleted terminology to Trados, ensuring that terminology data is fully available in the translation process at all times.

And as if that weren't enough, Kalcium can also transfer the data from the taxonomy projects as terminology to external systems such as quality assurance tools (Congree, Acrolinx, etc.) as well as ERP, PIM, or PLM systems via the same Publishing framework. In short, all enterprise-wide systems benefit from the valuable terminology-enriched data from the taxonomy.

Would you like to see a live demonstration of how PoolParty and Kalcium Quickterm can work together?

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Kaleidoscope: Taking your content global

We combine our expertise and software solutions as well as those of carefully selected technology partners to create the right solutions to enable you to achieve success on the global market with your content. Thanks to our innovations and further developments, we continuously make it easier for you to manage terminology, quality, reviews, queries, and automation.

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