Terminology Verification

How do you check whether company-wide terminology is actually being adhered to in every document? You can do this quickly and easily with Kalcium Checkterm.

Check Terminology Anywhere with Kalcium Checkterm

Consistent communication is important to you. So naturally you want to check whether company-approved terminology is being adhered to across all content and translations – quickly, easily, and inexpensively. After all, terminology has the power to affect your messages, your brand, and your success on the market! The solution: check all your texts using Kalcium Checkterm.

Ensure Consistent Communication

"Communication and marketing is the voice of a brand and constitutes a long-term investment in its success. It is the means through which a brand's identity and its positioning is made visible at all the relevant points of contact with customers and other stakeholders. This makes it possible to build a clear and preference-based brand image or reinforce an existing one." Franz-Rudolf Esch, Handbuch Markenführung [Branding Manual], 2019

Your marketing department works with Adobe InDesign and your translators with Trados Studio. Meanwhile, your developers are working with tools such as , MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Most of the time, countless other programs are being used as well. And across all of them, you want, no, you need to check the terminology to ensure consistent communication.

Terminology Control on a Single Platform

But unfortunately it's not enough to just avoid using forbidden terms. No, you need to check for any incorrect variants, spellings, and compositions too. After all, you've had bad experiences with run-of-the-mill tools that check purely whether a term stored in the termbase appears in the text.

Kalcium Checkterm detects "house" as well as "houses" and even identifies composites that contain the word "house". Conventional review mechanisms already fall at these kinds of hurdles.

Should all these options also be available directly in Adobe InDesign, MS Word, Trados Studio, , Oxygen XML Author, XMetaL, Visual Studio, or Visual Studio Code via a clipboard or API integrated into specific applications such as ERP systems? Then Kalcium Checkterm is just the tool for you!

Fast and Easy Terminology Verification with Kalcium Checkterm

Consistent communication using Checkterm: you can use your valuable termbases to automatically improve your content. We have consciously sought to eliminate the "effort" required by the user. Depending on the program being used, you simply select the text and check it by hitting a hotkey. Excel, PDF, and PowerPoint files are of course part of the repertoire - while for Microsoft Word, Trados Studio, Adobe InDesign, , Oxygen XML Author, XMetaL, Visual Studio, and Visual Studio Code, special plug-ins make the process even easier. A browser-based solution is also available. Not only does this give everyone in the company access to the central language "repository", but it also provides an easy way for you to check that the terminology is actually being adhered to in every text and translation. This will ensure the linguistic consistency of your content both internally and externally – much to the satisfaction of everyone from the marketing department to the legal department. Consistent advertising materials, more efficient search engine optimization, optimized communication, and an improved image are just some of the benefits, not to mention avoiding patent disputes and product liability lawsuits.

Enjoy the Benefits of Kalcium Checkterm

Thanks to Checkterm, you can check that your terminology is being adhered to:

  • Quickly and easily
  • Conveniently across all applications using a hotkey
    • In Adobe InDesign, Trados Studio, MS Word, <oXygen/>, Oxygen XML Author, XMetaL, Visual Studio, and Visual Studio Code even directly via plug-in
    • In a browser
  • While also checking for any incorrect variants, spellings, and compositions, etc.
  • "Live" as you type

You can also use Checkterm to:

  • Search for suitable alternatives in the termbase
  • Submit term requests

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Do You Want to Make Sure that Your Terminology Is Being Adhered to?

Then arrange a free, non-binding initial consultation! We look forward to your questions!

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