Fodina TermCatch

Fodina TermCatch is a cloud- and AI-based platform for extracting terms and clustering synonyms into concepts, both for initial extraction and for the ongoing expansion of existing termbases.

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Fodina TermCatch ist eine webbasierte Plattform für den Aufbau und die Pflege qualitativ hochwertiger, konsistenter Terminologie.
Mit seiner unternehmensgerechten Skalierbarkeit wird Trados Enterprise zum zentralen Hub für Ihren gesamten Lokalisierungsprozess.

Functions of Fodina TermCatch

Fodina TermCatch is a cloud-based platform that allows you to extract terminology from documents or online resources and compare it against existing lists and termbases. The software collects terms from a broad range of source files using an AI-based extraction engine or by crawling online resources. The captured terms are automatically reduced to their basic form and enriched with metadata.

Afterwards, TermCatch forms synonym clusters based on AI and large language models, both for the initial creation of concept-oriented terminology as well as for the ongoing expansion of an existing termbase, such as Kalcium Quickterm.


  • Identifies and extracts terminology from online and offline content using AI and LLMs
  • Finds and clusters together synonyms and variants of concepts
  • Makes fact-based decisions on which terms should or should not be used
  • Publishes or updates your standardized terms in termbases such as Kalcium Quickterm and author support systems such as Acrolinx
  • Runs in your web browser

Benefits of uniform and high-quality terms:

  • Fewer misunderstandings among audiences and translators
  • Reduced translation costs
  • Increased quality of both source and target language texts
  • Strengthened company profile
  • Improved findability

Continuously maintain and update your terminology

  • When new terminology appears in a wide range of content in your company
  • When new teams or departments start writing content
  • Without introducing inconsistencies or unnecessary, contradictory concepts

How TermCatch works

Bring order to chaos in four easy steps with Fodina TermCatch.

  • Collect content from many different sources
  • Extract AI-based potential terms and metadata from all areas of the company
  • Import any existing term lists or standards into Fodina TermCatch
  • Form clusters of possible synonyms among your terms
  • Examine the proposed synonym clusters in Fodina TermCatch
  • Decide which terms you want to use – and which you don't
  • Transfer these potential new concepts directly to the approval process in Kalcium Quickterm
  • Export your validated terms to Kalcium Quickterm or Acrolinx, other terminology databases, or any other format
  • Expand existing termbases via the fully integrated interface to Kalcium Quickterm
  • Fodina TermCatch remains constantly synchronized with your published terms, allowing you to continuously expand and update your terminology on an ongoing basis
  • Automatically integrate the terminology acquired into the creation process, for example via Kalcium Checkterm, or via author verification systems such as Acrolinx or Congree
  • Transfer the terminology to systems in the company that can process terminology, from translation tools to ERP, PIM, or PLM systems
  • Only the automated and integrated use of terminology can unlock the true value of the time you have invested in standardization

Fodina TermCatch & Kalcium Quickterm

You can use TermCatch particularly efficiently and effectively in conjunction with Kalcium Quickterm and Kalcium Checkterm. In doing so you benefit from term extraction and clustering with TermCatch coupled with the possibilities offered by state-of-the-art terminology management and verification with Kalcium Quickterm and Checkterm. Kalcium also provides you with powerful connectors into the world of translation and technical writing software (such as RWS, Phrase, memoQ, Congree, or Acrolinx), semantic AI (PoolParty), and "internal" systems such as SAP or Pimcore.

TermCatch is a solution from our Swedish partner Fodina, which is distributed worldwide via Kaleidoscope.

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