Kalcium Release 6.6.2 Webinar

Kalcium 6.6.2 webinar - The new features - sign up!

Kalcium 6.6.2 contains more than 100 new functions and improvements. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers. Their feedback has inspired nearly half of these innovations!

Here are just three of the many important new features:

  1. Improved usability
  2. AI connector
  3. Kalcium Contentflow

In our webinar, we will show you these highlights and much more.

For a first look at this release, check out our blog!

Kalcium Release Webinar 6.6.2 - The registration

Learn more about Kalcium and its modules here:


Kaleidoscope: Taking your content global

We combine our expertise and software solutions as well as those of carefully selected technology partners to create the right solutions to enable you to achieve success on the global market with your content. Thanks to our innovations and further developments, we continuously make it easier for you to manage terminology, quality, reviews, queries, and automation.

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